There was a day when I knew that my life had changed. Not in a big, momentous way but still it had changed. My mom and I were walking through a swap meet, and a seller stopped us and asked if we wanted to see the best bag clip ever made. Of course we would!

He proceeded to show us what wasn't a clip at all but a plastic sealer. He filled a clear plastic bag with water, put the plastic sealer on the open end of the bag, and then turned the bag over upside down. None of the water came out!
We were hooked, and my mother bought 20 sealers that day. Over the years, she called him and ordered more. The sealers were amazing because they were such a simple design yet they kept bags of chips, cereal, crackers, and more fresh for months at a time. The standard bag clips just couldn't compare.
While that specific seller never mass produced the product, there is one available now that is pretty much identical to the first sealers that my mom and I purchased many years ago: The B'Seal Bag Sealer.
Recently, a friend complained that her family never finished their box of crackers before they grew stale and she had to throw them out. I replied, "Our crackers never get stale." She said, "You must eat crackers very quickly." Then, I showed her my solution, the B'Seal Bag Sealer. She purchased a set on her phone. The next time I saw her, she agreed that they are a "miracle product" and purchased a set for each member of her immediate family.
So now I'm telling you, my new friend, if you never want stale chips, crackers, or cereal again, this is the day that your life will change as well.